لوگوی سفید راشنو
لوگوی سفید راشنو

What is the difference between Diye and Arsh?

What is Diyeh?

What are the types of money?

How is the payment method calculated?

forbidden months

What is arsh?

What is the difference between Diye and Arsh?

Public perception

The general idea that there is about Diyeh is that Diyeh is doubled in Haram months. Contrary to this misconception, Diyeh is not doubled in Haram months. Doubling means two full dieh  Whereas, according to Article 555 of the Islamic Penal Code, if the behavior of the perpetrator and the death of the person are both in the forbidden months, in addition to the self-payment, one-third of the payment must be added to it, which is called the concentration of the payment. Condensation in the word means, in a way, it becomes thicker and more dense.


As a result, the diya in the forbidden months is only one third more than in other months. Haram months include zu_ al-Qa’dah, zi haje, Muharram and Rajab. In addition, the month of Safar is not a forbidden month, contrary to the misconception of the general public.

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